- Preface
- HTML Documents
- Markdown Basics
- R Code Chunks
- Deployment
- Miscellaneous
- Appendix
- R Presentation
- ioslides
Local data scientists need better tool!
Roger D. Peng, Reproducible Research: Concepts and Ideas p.10 on Coursera
A convenient tool to generate reproducible document.
<!-- rmarkdown v1 -->
RStudio — Install the latest version of RStudio
Other environments — Install the rmarkdown package.
Command line: rmarkdown::render
Let's rock with R Markdown!
Currently YAML doesn't work well with Chinese on Windows. Don't use Chinese title if you are a Windows guy.
With Rstudio, You can edit various output options with friendly UI.
--- title: "R Markdown Exercise" author: "Mansun Kuo" date: "July 24, 2014" output: html_document: css: assets/css/custom.css fig_caption: no fig_height: 5 fig_width: 7 highlight: default keep_md: no number_sections: no theme: default toc: yes ---
#nextsteps { color: blue; } .emphasized { font-size: 1.2em; }
Apply to Whole Section:
### Apply to Whole Section {#nextsteps .emphasized}
標題為R Markdown Exercise。
include table of contents
*italic* **bold** _italic_ __bold__
I am italic
I am bold
Header 1 ============= Header 2 -------------
# Header 1 ## Header 2 ### Header 3
## 油電業薪資近9萬,是教服業的4倍? ### 行業別每人每月薪資 - Top 3 & Last 3 ### 行業別每人每月薪資總表
End a line with two or more spaces:
Roses are red, Violets are blue.
Unordered List: * Item 1 * Item 2 + Item 2a - Item 2b Ordered List: 1. Item 1 2. Item 2 3. Item 3 + Item 3a + Item 3b
Unordered List:
Ordered List:
Subsequent paragraphs must be preceded by a blank line and indented four spaces or a tab.
* fruits delicious!!! + apples - macintosh - red delicious + pears + peaches * vegetables healthy!!! + broccoli + chard
delicious!!!A plain http address or add a link to a phrase.
Inline Link:
Reference Link:
[2014台灣資料科學愛好者年會][dsc] [dsc]: http://twconf.data-sci.org/
Inline Image:

Reference Image:
![logo][R] [R]: assets/img/Taiwan-R-logo.png "R logo"
新聞連結: - [自由時報](https://tw.news.yahoo.com/%E6%B2%B9%E9%9B%BB%E6%A5%AD%E8%96%AA%E8%B3%87%E8%BF%919%E8%90%AC-%E6%95%99%E6%9C%8D%E6%A5%AD%E7%9A%844%E5%80%8D-221333602.html) - [經濟部](http://www.moea.gov.tw/Mns/populace/news/News.aspx?kind=1&menu_id=40&news_id=35719)
A friend once said: > It's always better to give > than to receive.
Plain code blocks are displayed in a fixed-width font but not evaulated.
This text is displayed verbatim / preformatted
Specify the language of the block is avaliable
x = rnorm(10)
x = rnorm(10)
Display equation: $$ equation $$
<math ...> </math>
for equations.Three or more asterisks or dashes:
****** ------
First Header | Second Header ------------- | ------------- Content Cell | Content Cell Content Cell | Content Cell
First Header | Second Header |
Content Cell | Content Cell |
Content Cell | Content Cell |
R code will be evaluated and printed
## Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. ## 2 26 36 43 56 120
```{r plot}
Easy Navigation in RStudio
(TRUE): whether to include R source code in the output fileeval
(TRUE): whether to evaluate the code chunkmessage
(TRUE): whether to preserve messages emitted by message()include
(TRUE): if include=FALSE, nothing will be written into the output document, but the code is still evaluated and plot files are generatedwarning
(TRUE): whether to preserve warnings in the outputSet global chunk options:
在「油電業薪資近9萬,是教服業的4倍?」之前設定Global Chunk Options:
```{r, include=FALSE}
# load("data/salary.RData")
data(salary, package="DSC2014Tutorial")
knitr::opts_chunk$set(warning = FALSE,
echo = FALSE,
message = FALSE)
('png'): figure format(png, jpeg, tiff, svg, …)fig.path
('figure/'): figure pathfig.width
(7): figure widthfig.height
(7): figure heightdpi
(72): DPI (dots per inch)```{r dev='svg', fig.path='myplot', fig.height=8}
將前面課程練習過的圖加在「行業別每人每月薪資 - Top 3 & Last 3」之下:
```{r plot, dpi=75, fig.width=10}
a = order(salary_2013$每人每月薪資)
salary_news = matrix(salary_2013$每人每月薪資[c(head(a,3),tail(a,3))],ncol = 6)
colnames(salary_news) = salary_2013$行業[c(head(a,3),tail(a,3))]
# Mac顯示中文需設置字型
# http://equation85.github.io/blog/graph-font-of-r-in-mac-os-x/
mp = barplot(salary_news) #x軸座標
text(mp,10000,salary_news) #標註薪資
Set results='asis'
to write raw results from R into the output document
```{r, results='asis'}
```{r, results='asis'}
height | weight |
58 | 115 |
59 | 117 |
60 | 120 |
61 | 123 |
62 | 126 |
63 | 129 |
```{r results='asis'}
index = order(salary_2013$每人每月薪資, decreasing = TRUE)
knitr::kable(salary_2013[index, c("行業", "每人每月薪資")],
(FALSE): whether to cache a code chunk to improve proformance for expensive computing
If you run into problems with cached output, you can always clear the knitr cache by removing the folder named with a _cache
('R'): the language name of the code chunk
```{r engine='bash'}
I counted 2 red trucks on the highway.
使用Inline R Code在圖形下方加上一些基本的敘述:
從上方圖表可以清楚地看到,`r colnames(salary_news)[which.max(salary_news)]`每人每月薪資為
`r salary_news[which.max(salary_news)]`元,
第二名`r colnames(salary_news)[length(salary_news)-1]`也有
`r salary_news[length(salary_news)-1]`,
第三名`r colnames(salary_news)[length(salary_news)-2]`較第二名少了
`r salary_news[length(salary_news)-1] - salary_news[length(salary_news)-2]`,但還是有
`r salary_news[length(salary_news)-2]`元。
整體薪資水準較為不佳則是`r colnames(salary_news)[1]`
、`r colnames(salary_news)[2]`和`r colnames(salary_news)[3]`,
其中`r colnames(salary_news)[1]`每人每月薪資是
`r salary_news[1]`,
約僅有`r colnames(salary_news)[which.max(salary_news)]`的
`r round(salary_news[1] / salary_news[length(salary_news)] * 100)`%。
Extra: Generate word document with Knit Word
There are various way to publish your document on the web.
Deploy your HTML document on the web.
You can add R Markdown and HTML in the YAML content.
```{r results='asis', echo=FALSE}
temp = '<span class="{{color}}{{number}}">{{color}}{{number}}</span>'
numbers = c("", "2", "3")
colors = c("red", "blue", "green", "yellow", "gray")
for (color in colors){
cat("- ")
for (number in numbers){
out = whisker.render(temp)
library(knitr) library(ggvis) mtcars %>% ggvis(x = ~wt, y = ~mpg) %>% layer_smooths(se=TRUE, opacity := 0.5, opacity.hover := 0.75) %>% layer_points(fill = ~factor(cyl), size := 50, size.hover := 200) %>% set_options(hover_duration = 250)
It’s possible to embed a Shiny application within a document.
Set global option in first slide.
R Presentation ======================================================== author: Mansun Kuo date: June 22, 2014
Slides automatically display their titles unless title: false
is specified.
Slide 1 ==================================== title: false - Bullet 1 - Bullet 2 - Bullet 3
Two-Column Slide ==================================== left: 70% First column *** Second column
: transition style
: transition speed
R Presentation ======================================================== author: Mansun Kuo date: June 22, 2014 transition: rotate transition-speed: fast
: slide appearance
Type ======================================================== type: sub-section incremental: true
: display content incrementally
Incremental Display ======================================================== incremental: true - Bullet 1 - Bullet 2 - Bullet 3
Clear Knitr Cache
: clear knitr cache for this presentationView in Browser
: view the presentation in an external web browserSave AS Web Page
: save the presentation as a standalone web pagePublish to RPubs
: publish the presentation to RPubsR Presentation ======================================================== author: Mansun Kuo date: June 22, 2014 css: assets/css/rpres.css
Apply to individual slides:
My Slide =================================== class: illustration
Apply to spans of text:
My Slide ================================== <span class="emphasized">Pay attention to this!</span>
: create a section##
: create a new slide---
: create a new slide without a header(horizontal rule)|
: add a subtitle# section ## slide 1 --- ## slide 2 | with subtitle
enable fullscreen mode
toggle widescreen mode
enable overview mode
enable code highlight mode
show presenter notes
exits all of these modes.
--- output: ioslides_presentation: incremental: true ---
Render bullets incrementally for specific slide:
> - Eat eggs > - Drink coffee
: widescreen modesmaller
: smaller text--- output: ioslides_presentation: widescreen: true smaller: true ---
Set smaller text for specific slide:
## Getting up {.smaller}
: default, slower, faster
--- output: ioslides_presentation: transition: slower ---
Let content be displayed incrementally.
## Build Slides {.build}
Add a 128x128 logo:
--- output: ioslides_presentation: logo: logo.png ---
Using ### <b>
and ### </b>
to enclose the lines you want to highlight.
x <- 10 y <- 20
To center content on a slide:
## Center {.flexbox .vcenter}
To horizontally center content:
<div class="centered">This text is centered.</div>
Note that the content will flow across the columns.
<div class="columns-2">  - Bullet 1 - Bullet 2 - Bullet 3 </div>
You can color content using base color classes red, blue, green, yellow, and gray (or variations of them e.g. red2, red3, blue2, blue3, etc.).
<div class="red2"> This text is red </div>
To enable presenter mode:
To disable presenter mode:
To add presenter notes:
<div class="notes"> This is my note. - It can contain markdown - like this list </div>